Terms of Participation

The collection of the data, the organization of the MRBrainS challenge and the maintenance of this website require a large effort. In the spirit of cooperative scientific progress, we are committed to maintaining this site as a public repository of benchmark results for segmentation of gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid in MR brain images. However, we ask everyone who uses this site to respect the “Terms of Participation” described below.

These terms amount to a simple tit for tat: we actively encourage anyone to use the data for testing brain segmentation algorithms. In return, we ask you to submit the results of your method and send us a document that describes your method. The score of your algorithm and your description will be made publicly available in the results section of this website.

We do not claim any ownership or rights to the algorithms or uploaded documents, and do not want to create any obstacles for publishing methods that use the MRBrainS data. However, by participating in the MRBrainS13 challenge (registering a team and downloading the data), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the following “Terms of Participation”:

  • The downloaded data sets or any data derived from these data sets, may not be given or redistributed under any circumstances to persons not belonging to the registered team.
  • All information entered when registering a team, including the name of the contact person, the affiliation (institute, organization or company the team’s contact person works for) and the e-mail address must be complete and correct. In other words, anonymous registration is not allowed. If you wish to submit anonymously, for example because you want to submit your results to a conference that requires anonymous submission, please contact mrbrains13@isi.uu.nl first.
  • Data downloaded from this website may only be used for the purpose of preparing an entry to be submitted on the MRBrainS website. The data may not be used for other purposes in scientific studies and may not be used to train or develop other algorithms, including but not limited to algorithms used in commercial products.
  • Results of your submission will only be published on the website when a document describing the method is provided.
  • If a commercial system is evaluated no method description is necessary, but the system has to be publicly available and the exact name and version number have to be provided.
  • The organizers of the challenge will check the method description before publishing the results on the website.
  • Evaluation of the results uploaded to this website will be made publicly available on this site (see the Results section), and by submitting results, you grant us permission to publish our evaluation. Participating teams maintain full ownership and rights to their method.
  • If the results of algorithms in this challenge are to be used in scientific publications (journal publications, conference papers, technical reports, presentations at conferences and meetings) you must make an appropriate citation. Currently, this citation will refer to the MRBrainS webpage (https://mrbrains13.isi.uu.nl), and later to the publication that will describe the results of the MICCAI MRBrainS13 challenge workshop.
  • Teams must notify the organizers of MRBrainS13 about any publication that is (partly) based on the results data published on this site, in order for us to maintain a list of publications associated with the challenge.